• 28 Mar 2024 7:48 AM | Penny Fioravante (Administrator)
    Gov. Jim Justice announced today that he has vetoed HB 5105, which would have removed vaccination requirements for students in virtual public schools and allow private and parochial schools to set their own standards.

    Gov. Justice said the following in his veto letter:

    “Since this legislation was passed, I have heard constant, strong opposition to this legislation from our State’s medical community. The overwhelming majority that have voiced their opinion believe that this legislation will do irreparable harm by crippling childhood immunity to diseases such as mumps and measles. West Virginia historically has seen very few instances of these diseases, specifically because the vaccination requirements in this State are so strong. Importantly, the vaccines at issue have been required in this State for decades and have kept our communities safe. Our surrounding states, however, have seen spikes in such illnesses recently. These spikes, we are advised, are the result of the lesser vaccine requirements in those states. The image below shows surrounding states with reported measles cases as of March 21, 2024, highlighted in blue.
    “Additionally, we have heard from many private and parochial institutions all around the State, likewise requesting this bill be vetoed. We have heard from this community that they see this bill as purely divisive and, if signed into law, requiring consideration of adopting policies that will result in parents pulling their children from their schools. 

    “I have always and will always defend our freedoms as West Virginians and as Americans. I hear how strongly people believe in one side or the other on this subject, and I respect all opinions. But I must follow the guidance of our medical experts on this subject. Our medical community in West Virginia serves our people every single day, helping protect our people from disease and poor health. Their wisdom should not be ignored–especially when it comes to the health and safety of our children.

    “West Virginia is way ahead of the pack in protecting our children from preventable diseases like the measles, and in this matter, I will defer to our licensed medical professionals who have come forward overwhelmingly to say this bill could and likely would result in reduced immunity and harm to West Virginia’s kids. Our kids are our future. They are our most important resource, and I will protect them with everything I have. Accordingly, I hereby disapprove and return Enrolled Committee Substitute for House Bill 5105.”

    Read the entire veto letter here.
    HB 5105 Veto Message.pdf
  • 28 Mar 2024 6:44 AM | Penny Fioravante (Administrator)

  • 09 Feb 2024 4:47 PM | Penny Fioravante (Administrator)

    Position Statement on SB 714

    WV Board of Osteopathic Medicine

    February 9, 2024

    The WEST VIRGINIA OSTEOPATHIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (WVOMA) is an affiliate of the AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION (AOA) and is the leading organization representing the 1703 licensed Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) and over 800 Osteopathic Medical Students from the WEST VIRGINIA SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE (WVSOM) the state’s largest medical school.

    We stand with the AOA as FIRMLY OPPOSED to SB714 that would abolish the Osteopathic (DO) licensing board and transfer its duties to the MD licensing board. As the WV BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE is self-sustaining through applicant fees and fines, and is not subsidized by government, there would be no cost savings to the state in a consolidation or merger. 

    Further, The WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE operates very efficiently, as DO applications and discipline are processed on a continual rolling basis, allowing physicians to be licensed in a timely manner.

    The WVOMA and AOA celebrate and support the unique contributions of DOs to the health of West Virginia’s citizens.  We urge you to reject any attempt to eliminate the profession’s ability to self-regulate.


  • 27 Jun 2022 11:19 AM | Penny Fioravante (Administrator)

    AOA Statement on the Supreme Court Repealing Roe V. Wade

    Statement attributable to AOA President Joseph A. Giaimo, DO, & CEO Kevin M. Klauer, DO, EJD:

    With the recent decision from the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the Roe v. Wade ruling, the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) remains steadfast in its consistent position to support the sanctity and privacy of the patient-physician relationship. We denounce any federal or state legislative or administrative action that interferes with that relationship. 
    We also condemn any attempts to criminalize or impose civil penalties on physicians for the provision of physician-level care. 

    Medical decisions should occur between a patient and their physician. Anything that interferes or intrudes upon that essential and foundational tenet puts patient care at risk. We support and advocate for DOs and physicians so they may continue providing excellent care for their patients, ensuring the health of our nation.


    Joseph A. Giaimo, DO, MACOI, FCCP Kevin M. Klauer, DO, EJD
    AOA President AOA CEO

400 North Lee Street
Lewisburg, WV 24901
Phone 304-793-6842 | Toll Free 800-356-7836 ext. 6842 | Fax 304-647-6211
Penny Fioravante, Executive Director

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